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In the spring of 2003, Currie Myers introduced the first business plan in the 148-year-history of the Johnson County Sheriff's Office.  Myers' vision outlined initiatives for a safer, more secure and economically efficient future.  A future that conserves taxpayer dollars, addresses the threat of global terrorism and partners with our local cities, neighborhoods and schools. 


In just a few months, with Myers at the helm, the Sheriff's Office initiated a series of programs and services within their budget to better serve our county.


• Introduced the Sheriff's Crime Scene Response Unit – A professional, multi-tiered response unit that addresses crime scene investigations. 

• Increased Drug Arrests and Investigations.

• Initiated the Sheriff's Emergency Response Team (SERT) – A Homeland Defense and tactical emergency team that responds to serious crises and tactical violence in Johnson County.

• Introduced the Sheriff's Reading Program – An outreach program that partners with local schools and first-grade students.

• Expanded Prisoner Pick-up – A program that provides "curb-services" to save police officers and departments money by picking up prisoners in the cities where they were arrested.

• Initiated Directed Patrol Service – A program that targets "hot-spot" areas in the county and sends deputies to manage the crimes more effectively.

• Introduced Sheriff's Leadership Schools – Advanced professional development programs for deputies.

• Initiated K-9 and Motorcycle units.


Additionally, Myers implemented the following business procedures to make the Sheriff's Office more financially efficient in its services, management and performance measures.   


• Instituted a new management philosophy based on change management techniques and vision to replace the compartmentalized approach. 

• Initiated the "Sheriff's Business Advisory Council" to assist the Sheriff's Office in partnering with the business community in fighting crime.
• Established a 501c (3), not-for-profit foundation to raise funds for the Sheriff's Office.

• Combined Civil and Warrant departments into one, central command unit to heighten efficiency.

• Conducted an "Internal Competency Audit" to eliminate redundancy in services and operations.

• Introduced "Performance Standards Methodology" to utilize a new mindset that defines, measures, analyzes, improves and controls performance. 

• Initiated Quality Control and Assurance among commanders.

• Reformed the management structure of the Sheriff's Office into a model that empowers and delegates authority.