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Vulnerability, Risk & Threat Assessments
Security Project Management
Facility Design & Security Systems
Sensitive Data Storage & Monitoring
Public Safety Consulting
Executive Protection


Executive Protection

SMA deters violent behavior and protects individuals, corporations and government agencies at risk.  Our security specialists provide sophisticated, discrete protection without interfering with clients' professional or private lives.

SMA provides immediate response to threats against corporations, their employees and private individuals. Whether a threat is directed at an individual or an organization, SMA assesses the nature of the threat and designs appropriate intervention strategies.

These strategies may include coordination with law enforcement authorities, executive protection and security training to clients.

Individual Protection
• Threat Assessments
• Long-term Threat Management
• Executive Protection
• Site Advances for Proprietary Protective Details
• Event Security
• Technical Surveillance Countermeasures

Training for Corporations and Individuals
• Workplace Violence Prevention
• Simple Self Defense Countermeasures